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Dark Door a.k.a Mario D’Aniello and Federica Velenia, is a band that was formed in Naples and a band that you should know about, because their music is beautiful and their performances are emotionally and visually very strong! They have self-released 4 Logo interviewalbums so far, whose music is more an outlet of their feelings than a desire to create music of a certain style.Inspired by the damned poets, darkness in aesthetics and the darkness in the world, Dark Door give to these elements an attractive musical and visual form. We had the great chance to see them perform live as part of a special Dead&Buried event last month, which was carried out in a suitable venue which does not pose any health and safety risks to an audience and can accommodate the sound requirements for a gig.Everyone had a lot of fun during that gig, everyone was dancing all the time and Blaue Rosen loved this band so much, that we had to talk with them about their influences, the symbolism in their visuals and their sources of inspiration. 


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It is one thing to celebrate a birthday with a gig, it is quite another to simultaneously celebrate the career and all the things an artist has offered us so far and has achieved personally. The purpose of the half day gig that we are about to present, is exactly this. Having as a starting point Johny Brown’s birthday, ‘The Devil Has A Hold On The Land, scheduled for May 27th, will feel like riding a multisensory carousel. The experience will be guided by carefully selected musicians, artists and DJs with many points of reference that will start with folk rock, embrace their improvisational moods, become highly experimental and conceptually intriguing and conclude with the always visually stimulating, loud, melodic, emotionally generous but never betraying its punk character, live performance of Band of Holy Joy. So, clear your day on May 27th because The Devil does indeed have a hold on the land…Without further a do, here are a few words about the participating acts: (more…)

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Hector Gannet, is a band with a fascinating story but it is also a band with a name and surname, whose songs will definitely make your mind navigate, with the calmness required before making Logo interviewimportant acknowledgments, not only to the places the lyrics refer to but also to the places close to your heart.Moreover, it is not often that music and film are combined with such harmony as Hector Gannet achieved it in the project ‘Moving North:Coastal’ for which they composed the music. Blauerosen was excited to be able to learn more about the reference points and the influences of this band, ahead of their live performance at BAD PUNK’s event ‘The Devil Has A Hold On The Land’ on May 27th 2018.


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“Nature is a temple in which living columns sometimes emit confused words. Man approaches it through forests of symbols, which observe him with familiar glances”. Charles Baudelaire

There is something about musicians that approach their art with thoroughness and give some form to a multitude of influences, that Blaue Rosen absolutely loves.This does not necessarily have to do with the genre or the quantity of influences, but with the way they have been approached by the artists, in a tireless quest for essence. ATARAXIA is a Logo interviewbeloved band because it embodies all this and more. They describe themselves as ‘craftsmen of sound‘ and the word ‘ritual’ is often used to describe their performances.The music the band has composed, could be generally categorized as neoclassical and ethereal but is never just rhythm and melodies; it is paintings, it is poetry, it reflects the sound and the ‘aura’ of places (both ancient and contemporary), it is symbolic, it is conceptually and spiritually inspiring and it is music that, when it stops, it makes you breathe in, a little differently…more consciously, more aware and less aware at the same time, it has emotional and conceptual gravity…


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Monthly playlist-April 2018

Posted: 10th May 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
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I hold a beast, an angel and a madman in me, and my enquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, downthrow and upheaval, and my effort is their self-expression…Dylan Thomas

Some people say that it’s best not to expect much so that when good things happen you get to experience the full extent of the positivity they bring with them. Well something similar happened with the releases of April 2018. We already knew about the new albums that were being prepared by well-established bands, but it was actually those less (or not at all) advertised releases, that we have found by exploring the music milieu, that excited us even more. This month had it all, progressive rock, metal, post punk, industrial, IDM, ethereal, darkwave, punk and genre-defying weirdness… for the ‘beast’, the ‘angel’ and/or the ‘madman’ in you!


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Monthly Playlist-March 2018

Posted: 8th April 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
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Label: brokntoys

“…And since the appearance of things was no longer definitive but limitless, this paradisiacal awareness freed me from the reality external to myself. The fire and the rose, as it were, became one…Federico Fellini

March was a very psychedelic month in various aspects (including the weather!) and its soundtrack could not have been any different. The 20th anniversary party of Rocket Recordings and the unforgettable performance of Alva Noto with Anne-James Chaton, worked like sonic attractors and it was as if everything that we listened to during this month, was to be compared with the quality and the sound of these two performances. In the name of impartiality though, we had to try to ‘forget’ the impact of these two shows and the aesthetic ‘pull’ that they exercised, so that we could create a soundtrack that would be characteristic of the releases of the previous month. Out of the 60 albums/EPs and singles that we listened to during the previous month, it was the different incarnations of punk that somehow ‘neutralized’ the ground before we got enchanted by the weird, the ‘too experimental’, the ‘textured’ sound and the ‘heavy’ music that creates space for social and political critique. If there is one word that could describe the feeling that the soundtrack of March 2018 has created, this is numbness.


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We have some more exciting news about forthcoming album releases this Spring, from bands that Blauerosen appreciates and loves and we can’t wait to share these with you.

“…I’d tear apart your heart
To find a map and leave you
(She said)
Engraved across my arms
Are words I have to leave you
(She said)…”
(lyrics: ‘Sunday Queen’)


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The dilemma of whether to listen to electronic music sitting down in an environment with good acoustics or standing and dancing in an environment with not so great acoustics, will remain unresolved. But what is certain, is that once you get to listen to electronic music with great acoustics, this dilemma will puzzle you no more.


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Alva Noto, Anne-James Chaton live at The Barbican 2018

Posted: 11th March 2018 by blaue-rosen in