“…And since the appearance of things was no longer definitive but limitless, this paradisiacal awareness freed me from the reality external to myself. The fire and the rose, as it were, became one…” Federico Fellini
March was a very psychedelic month in various aspects (including the weather!) and its soundtrack could not have been any different. The 20th anniversary party of Rocket Recordings and the unforgettable performance of Alva Noto with Anne-James Chaton, worked like sonic attractors and it was as if everything that we listened to during this month, was to be compared with the quality and the sound of these two performances. In the name of impartiality though, we had to try to ‘forget’ the impact of these two shows and the aesthetic ‘pull’ that they exercised, so that we could create a soundtrack that would be characteristic of the releases of the previous month. Out of the 60 albums/EPs and singles that we listened to during the previous month, it was the different incarnations of punk that somehow ‘neutralized’ the ground before we got enchanted by the weird, the ‘too experimental’, the ‘textured’ sound and the ‘heavy’ music that creates space for social and political critique. If there is one word that could describe the feeling that the soundtrack of March 2018 has created, this is numbness.