A new year and a new season have started with sad news for the music world, the sudden passing away of Dolores O’Riordan (Cranberries) and Mark E Smith (The Fall). However there are exciting news about new releases and upcoming gigs and festivals. So before the rhythm peeks up its frenzy, let’s take a look at the reasons for considering 2018 to be an exciting year.
Posts Tagged ‘QNTAL VIII 2018’
Upcoming album releases 2018
Posted: 31st January 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releasesTags: album releases 2018, Blaine Reininger new album 2018, Blaine Reininger The Blue Sheep 2018, Les Disques du Crepuscule releases 2018, Metropolis Records releases 2018, MINISTRY AmeriKKKant 2018, MINISTRY new album 2018, Nuclear Blast album releases 2018, QNTAL new album 2018, QNTAL VIII 2018, Sacred Bones Records album releases 2018, The Soft Moon Criminal 2018, The Soft Moon new album 2018