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In terms of live performances, the music menu has plenty for us in the next few months. The small list that follows, contains the ones that have grasped our attention.

AmericanaFest UK 2018: I find it exciting that there is a festival dedicated to Americana music in London. Yes, you read correctly between 31st January to 1st February 2018, 26 bands will be playing Americana music at OSLO Hackney, MOTH Club, Paper Dress Vintage and Empire Bar. The festival’s line up includes The Texas Gentlemen, Tyler Childers, Benjamin William Pike and many moreCurse Of Lono, whose debut album entitled ‘Severed‘ was included in our monthly playlist for April 2017, will be the headliners at MOTH Club on Wednesday at 11pm. This mini festival will also include a two-day conference and will end with an awards ceremony at Hackney Empire.Buy your tickets from here

Das Ich, Red Sun Revival, Astari Nite live at Electrowerkz: Starting February, Das Ich will play live in London with support from the beloved Red Sun Revival and Astari Nite. While Astari Nite will be opening for all the UK gigs of Das Ich, the second support band will differ so, in Glasgow it will be Ivory Blacks and in Manchester it will be St Lucifer and The Ruby Lounge.This gig is part of the band’s tour in the UK, and different support groups will play live each time.The band has consistently offered industrial/electronic albums since 1991, when ‘Die Propheten‘ was released, supporting them through performances with strong theatrical elements and a punk attitude. This is one of the few bands that embodies different characters on stage while performing The band’s latest album was released in 2006 and was entitled ‘Cabaret‘ while in 2014 their album ‘Lava‘ was remastered and re-released extended with remixes from Asche. These days they are preparing a new album, songs from which we expect to listen during their gig in London. You can buy your tickets from here
Deliquium 2018: Following the performance of Das Ich, a three day special festival will be hosted at Electrowerkz. You might remember the first Deliquium which took place in 2015. This has always been an ambitious festival that includes photo exhibitions, art exhibitions, DJ sets, live sets, installations and workshops. Last time Treha Sektori, Deutsch Nepal and The Frozen Autumn were the highlights for us in terms of live shows. From 8-10 February 2018, Deliquium returns to Electrowerkz for three days of experimental art and music, where Ah-Cama Sotz, Horologium, Iron Fist Of The Sun and Norvardgr will be attracting most of the attention in terms of live shows. At the same time, Slimelight’s resident DJ Blackdeath 1334, will be ‘dressing’ the space with her own signature dark/existential/ritualistic playlists on Friday 9/2/18, while Udo Wiessmann of HANDS Productions will be offering one of his unique sets as Winterkälte on Saturday 10/2/18. We had the chance to listen to one of Udo’s DJ sets at Moritzbastei during WGT in 2017 and we are certain that his set will be equally dynamic. We will also be waiting anxiously for the debut performance of Sequencial, a new project formed by Gabriel Edvy and Fabio FK Drone, which has artistic experimentation at its core. Grab your tickets for this exciting festival from this link
Alva Noto new albums and live at The Barbican: After a quiet January and a mildly busy February, March will be welcoming us with the live performance of Alva Noto, a musician that focuses on minimal and abstract electronic music and has been releasing albums since 2000. Four years before, in 1996, Alva Noto a.k.a Carsten Nikolai, had founded a platform called ‘archiv für ton und nichtton’ that released experimental projects on music, art and science. In 1999 this label merged with the label named ‘Rastermusic’ and formed ‘Raster-Noton.archiv für ton und nichtton’ (exclusive distributor of the label Wavetrap), through which Alva Noto has released many of his albums. In 2017 this label split into two so that ‘Noton’ is handling all past and future releases of Alva Noto, while ‘Raster-Noton/Raster-Music’ is handling the back catalog of Raster-Noton/Raster-Music. Alva Noto has collaborated with Blixa Bargeld (Einstuerzende Neubauten), Iggy Pop, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ryoji Ikeda (with whom he participates in the project Cyclo 10) among other musicians, he has written scores for films and he has participated in Documenta X and the 49th and 50th Biennale of Venice. Unlike other musicians, who love the aesthetics of minimal and abstract music, the approach of Alva Noto is more profound as he feels that “…these many noises had musical qualities…every sound is important, not just the melodic ones…. At the same time, there are two new albums in the making.The first one with Ryuichi Sakamoto is entitled ‘Glass‘, it is a series of improvisations made at the architect Philip Johnson’s hallowed Glass House and is expected to be released on 16 February 2018. The second album’s title is ‘Unieqav‘ and is expected to be released on March 16, 2018.This album will be presented live at the Barbican on March 4, 2018 with support from the amazing Anne-James Chaton. You can buy tickets from here

One of the dilemmas of March, will be created on the 9th of this month as Blancmange will play live at ‘Under The Bridge’ in Fulham and the first of the three-days showcase of Rocket Recordings will start at The Garage the same day until March 11th.

Blancmange live at ‘Under The Bridge’: As Neil Arthur has clarified during a recent interview “Blancmange is a solo project now, with a group of honorary members, David Rhodes, Oogoo Maia, Adam Fuest, Benge Edwards…Stephen hasn’t worked with Blancmange since the 2011 album ‘Blanc Burn’ due to ill health…who knows we may write our story of events from the seventies and eighties down one day…”. Having released his latest album entitled ‘Unfurnished Rooms‘ in September 2017 and after finishing a UK tour during 2017, Blancmange will be departing for a new UK tour in March 2018 and will perform live on March 9th 2018 in London.This latest album, somehow replicating the rhythmic impression of a Mondrian painting, has minimal synth pop melodies with qualities similar to those of abstract art. It is an album whose sound is true to the nature of the original sound of the band during the 80s, but with less melody and more experimentation with abstraction. As a result, its melodies manage to stop/delay time around us and makes us devote our undivided attention to them. Rhythmic dynamism picks up at the fourth song ‘What’s The Time?’ and then again just before the end with ‘Old Friends’ and ‘Gratitude’. Now that a momentum has been built, don’t miss the gig of Blancmange. Buy your tickets from here

Rocket Recordings Showcase at The Garage:As far as Rocket Recordings is concerned, we would need much more space in order to express our admiration for the consistency and the character of this label’s releases throughout the years, but we will briefly talk about the releases of the last two years. You might have noticed that a few albums released through Rocket Recordings, have been included in different monthly playlists throughout the year (i.e. Julie’s Haircut, GNOD (the band will also play live on May 10th at MOTH Club), Teeth of The Sea, Anthroprophh, Hey Colossus, Temple Ov BBV,Shit And Shine). This is because we have felt that the music of these bands taps in a unique way, on our fascination for noisy and dark psychedelia. The label exists since 1998 but it is in the last 4 years that its impact has increased, new bands have been welcomed to the label’s family, quickly building up a dynamic and committed team of followers. Of the bands signed at Rocket Recordings so far, we know that Anthroprophh will release their next album entitled ‘OMEGAVILLE‘ in March 2018 and Mamuthones will release their album ‘Fear On The Corner‘ later in February 2018. From 9-11 March 2018 we will be celebrating the label’s 20th birthday and we will have the chance to enjoy many of the bands that have released albums through Rocket Recordings at The Garage in a rare and precious showcase. Buy your tickets from here.

Anna von Hausswolff live at The Dome:Anna von Hausswolff, released her debut album entitled ‘Singing From The Grave‘ in 2010. Her work always has the piano as the base, which is an instrument that we see less and less used in contemporary music, but its melodies are enriched with banjo, organ, zither, guitars, violin and more. This album, had strong influences from the country/folk music of America and was released through Kning Disk. Anna’s vocals have a unique combination of eeriness and soothness that at the same time revolts and tames the mind. At times evoking the ‘smoky’ aspect of her voice and at other times, the serenic element, she gives to the piano melodies, unfathomed dimensions. Fast forward to 2015, her latest album entitled ‘The Miraculous‘ was released through City Slang. The sound has evolved significantly, has become darker and ‘harsher’ in mood and style, than in her debut album, wind instruments have been included and overall the production has been enriched as the score is more demanding in terms of the atmosphere that is being created. Her voice is almost unrecognisable as well, gone is the ethereal quality of it (with the exception of the introduction of ‘Come Wander With Me/Deliverance‘) and it has now been replaced by a kind of ”hoarse’, ceremonial voice mostly suited to a cinematic witch! The rhythms and melodies of the organ, place the music of this album to the realm of fantasy movies and the epoch of Lord of The Rings. The guitars have taken up elements from doom metal, which they have refined so as not to mask the vocals but create noisy/heavy metal inspired soundscapes at the background! Anna von Hausswolff has been preparing a new album which features  a macabre cover, that will be entitled ‘Dead Magic‘ and is expected to be released in March 2018.One song has been released so far entitled ‘The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra‘ together with a video clip, which reveals exciting vocal explorations and a sound that is more lyrical than that of ‘The Miraculous‘.The video follows the dark aesthetics that are evident from the album cover, while the song itself seems to have been inspired by the mythological character of Electra. Anna von Hausswolff will perform live on March 12 at The Dome and we will be there to enjoy her set and listen to her new album live. We advise you to do the same. Buy your tickets from here.

COVENANT-The Blinding Dark tour 2018: Last but not least, we have been waiting for ‘The Blinding Dark‘ tour of COVENANT to make a stop in London since last June and we will have the chance to see them live, on March 17,2018 with support by Massive Ego, Empathy Test, My Hysteria. COVENANT a favourite band of the dark electronic genre, have released their latest great album entitled ‘The Blinding Dark‘ in 2016 and this is what they have said about it: “In a world that’s stopped making sense, we need to learn how to see in the dark and ‘The Blinding Dark’ is a triumphant embrace of the strength and resilience of the soul…It’s implosive instead of explosive, fuelled by cold fury rather than a roaring fire, as beautiful as a collapsed star..”.Blauerosen loved this album, because it makes a discreet yet powerful statement on club dance floors. It might not compare in dynamics, with ‘United States of Mind’ or ‘Northern Light’ but it is an album that sits very well within the body of work of COVENANT and has definitely left a beautiful mark in their discography especially because it includes with this beautiful duet with Erica Li in the cover of Lee Hazlewood’s A Rider On A White Horse and it also benefits from the mark of Daniel Myer in the programming!
The last time the band played live in London was in 2015 with Analog Angel and Naked Lunch as support acts and has always offered unforgettable shows, that include a perfect mix of new and older favourite songs.
You can buy tickets from here

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A new year and a new season have started with sad news for the music world, the sudden passing away of Dolores O’Riordan (Cranberries) and Mark E Smith (The Fall). However there are exciting news about new releases and upcoming gigs and festivals. So before the rhythm peeks up its frenzy, let’s take a look at the reasons for considering 2018 to be an exciting year.


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As Bacon said, ‘The ideas in the Unconscious mind are far more interesting than from the Conscious mind.’

There is something fascinating about a ritualistic atmosphere and I think that people who do not engage in rituals, experience it differently and dare I say, perhaps more intensely. In short, just approach this album cautiously unaware of the fact that at the end, it will have such a strong grip on your mind that you will have to invoke all of your different types of strength in order to set it free!

The debut album of Word Made Flesh a.k.a Phil Barry and Keith Baker, that was released in October 2017 and is entitled ‘Word Made Flesh’, was included in our soundtrack for 2017 because we loved the conceptual and emotional weight its rhythms have placed on our psyche.Both musicians are involved in other projects, Phil Barry in Cubanate and Be My Enemy and Keith Baker in Nimon, Displacer, Be My Enemy. The sound of the album ‘Word Made Flesh’ is very different from all the other projects of Phil and Keith. With its 10 soundscapes, this album feels as if it is creating a musical wormhole that pulls us in, at times with the chaotic energy of power noise, borrowing from the aesthetics of psych trance (i.e. first half of ‘The Clock Stops‘, ‘Death Posture‘), other times with the mind-numbing energy of a slow moving wave (i.e.’The Process‘) or even by creating a powerful vortex made of repetitive sounds (i.e. first half of ‘Black Mirror‘). There are noise industrial parts throughout the album that increase the tempo momentarily and add a rusty, flaky, metallic texture to the grave sounding, strategically placed, vocals (i.e. ‘Heretic‘) that talk ceremoniously about cryptic things. Each song is like a many headed hydra, constantly reinventing itself throughout its duration. This is in short, how the energy of this album is structured and these are the elements with which Word Made Flesh, create a highly ritualistic album, ‘borrowing’ equally from the aesthetics of religious ceremonies and psychedelic ones in order to talk about an approach to life.


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The best way to end a year is to learn about next year’s plans of favourite bands, because even though other things that need to be done within the year might require a lot of effort, making time for listening to a new release or attend a gig, will always be an invigorating thing. These kind of news make me think ‘alright I might have to go through this and that hard thing next year but in the meantime there are exciting things to experience in the upcoming gigs!’.

“I’m not doing this for anyone else. I’m doing it as it’s important to me to make the songs better. I have to do it.” (Ian McCulloch)


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Pas une fête triste mais plutôt une fête émotionnelle, mélodique, dynamique et merveilleuse par voie sonore…

The show of Trisomie 21 in London, was much anticipated by at least two generations of music lovers. People had travelled from Oxford, Liverpool and other parts of the country, in order to see the legendary band of the French new wave scene of the 1980s perform live.

The mood was very positive in the venue while people were communicating the surprise and joy for seeing this band perform live. The rich merchandise at the entrance was attracting a lot of interest despite the fact that the first two reissued LPs of the band were not available. Three guitars that were placed at the back of the stage underneath the band’s banner, were already framing our views.


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TRISOMIE 21 Live at OSLO Hackney 2017

Posted: 7th January 2018 by blaue-rosen in

After listening to their latest beautiful album entitled ‘The Fellow Traveller‘ a few times, I just wanted to, theoretically, pick up the phone and congratulate The Frozen Autumn in person. It is precious to come across such inspired work.With this album, it is as if the band created an area of ‘light’ in this dystopian world. This is not an album that makes a critique to the conditions that envelope all of us, it is an album that makes us look ‘up’ and ‘over’ what is here now.It glorifies the synthesizers, it talks about voyages, it talks about space and most importantly it has humour, not dark humour but this gentle and kind humour that lifts the spirit up and soothes the heart.Because we liked this album so much that we included it in our soundtrack for 2017, we wanted to speak with The Frozen Autumn about their work and show them through our questions how much we appreciate what they have created.

It is not a given that a band replies sincerely to questions, it is not a given that a band will find an interview interesting and it is definitely not a given that positive feedback will be provided. All these great things happened and created the impression that the new year will be very exciting. The Frozen Autumn offered us their time in order to discuss about the new album, their new explorations as musical ‘travellers’, the visuals of the new album, the merits and complexities of the distribution of music on the web and their previous gig in London. If there is one extremely important conclusion to be drawn then it is this: unless ‘we’ (and by ‘we’, i mean organizers, venues, promoters, technicians etc) here in London get ‘our’ act together, we will not get to see this amazing band perform live again!This is what Diego and Froxeanne told us:


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What are the odds of making new year’s resolutions at the same place with the same beverage as last year if one is not a creature of habit? They must be greater than the odds of witnessing the comeback of favourite bands after 25 years! What are the odds that names such as Barry Adamson, Band of Holy Joy, Diamanda Galas, Edward Ka-Spel, The SkidsMarilyn Manson, Thurston Moore, Mark Lanegan, Trisomie 21, hackedepicciotto would be releasing albums, our favourite albums, within the same year? In 2017 Trisomie 21 released an album after 9 years and so did Der Plan after 25 years!

It was a year during which we experienced powerful moments in beautiful gigs. It was also a year during which many bands released impressive debut albums. In 2017, more and more bands have embraced the internet and new ways have been explored for audiences to enjoy music and also show their support online. We often found similarities or artistic points of convergence between these music releases and exhibitions of modern/alternative art. It was in the simplicity of the ideas and the roughness of texture in the work of Christos Bokoros for the exhibition entitled ‘The Bare Essentials’ (Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece) that we have found shared qualities with the drama and theatricality of the music of Diamanda Galas. It was in the cultural and spiritual explorations of the 60s as they were highlighted in the V&A’s exhibition ‘You Say You Want A Revolution?’ that we have found glimpses of the emotional fervour and social perceptiveness that Trisomie 21 and Band Of Holy Joy are expressing in their albums. It was in the imposing posture and evocative emotional strength of Reza Aramesh‘s ‘Metamorphosis’ sculpture (part of FRIEZE London) and in the rich texture of the abandoned buildings of Athens, that we have identified elements also expressed in the albums ‘World Eater’ by Blanck Mass and ‘Raw Effort’ by Livingtotem. We experienced similar feelings while watching the brave use of colour in the work of Opi Zouni (exhibition ‘Order In Chaos’ Benaki Museum) and listening to the albums ‘Serious Business’ and ‘Brutalism’ by Grey Hairs and IDLES. We admired the inventiveness of Nevin Aladag who transformed ordinary furniture into musical instruments (Documenta 14 Athens) and Mary Watts, who decorated in such a unique and unparalleled way, the Watts Chapel in Guildford. It was the same awe that we felt while listening to the dreamy (and somewhat gloomy) soundscapes that Edward Ka-Spel and Amanda Palmer have composed in their album ‘I Can Spin A Rainbow’. If there is one conclusion that one can safely draw for 2017 as far as music is concerned, is that musicians from around the world have indeed expressed the strength of the emotions and ideas that the tense worldwide situations are causing in all of us, using impressively creative ways. Within this year, some of us have realized,  that the possibility of war happening closer to us, was bigger than we expected to witness in our lifetime. Because of that, we might have really understood why art and music created in ugliness and hardship is so beautiful! There have been so many beautiful albums within the year that this time, Blauerosen has chosen for its soundtrack, those albums that had the strongest impact on us in their entirety. With thoughts about peace, creativity, and inspiration, let’s all have a beautiful 2018!

This was the soundtrack of Blauerosen in 2017!  



Skids– Album: Burning Cities
Grey Hairs– Album: Serious Business
La Main– Album: L’Heure de Salir
The Flatfield– Album:Manie sans délire
Vitalic– Album:Voyager
Manie sans délire– Album:Untitled
Drab Majesty– Album:Demonstration
Tristesse Contemporaine– Album:Stop And Start
A Projection– Album:Framework
Bain Wolfkind– Album:Hand Of Death
Singapore Sling– Album:Kill Kill Kill (Songs About Nothing)
The Underground Youth– Album:What Kind Of Dystopian Hellhole Is This?
Julie’s Haircut– Album:Invocation And Ritual Dance Of My Demon Twin
Aseethe– Album:Hopes Of Failure
Xiu Xiu– Album:Forget
JT Whitfield– Album:Coated And Submersed
Penelope’s Fiance– Debut album:Penelope’s Fiance
Blanck Mass– Album:World Eater
Dag Rosenqvist and Matthew Collings– Album:Hello Darkness
Captains– Debut album:Captains
Girls In Synthesis– Debut EP:The Mound/Disappear
TOTENWALD– Debut EP:Wrong Place Wrong Time
ADULT– Album:Detroit House Guests
Neue Wilde– Debut Album:Neue Wilde
DJ Loser– Album:DJ Loser
Diamanda Galas– Album:All The Way
WIRE– Album:Silver/Lead
IDLES– Debut album:Brutalism
Vlimmer– Album:IIIIIII
Hello Black Hole– Debut mini LP:In No Good Hand
Mementut– Debut album:Into The Shadow Of God
Mark Lanegan Band -Album:Gargoyle
Vile Flesh -Album:Hirm
Second Still -Debut album:Second Still
Barry Adamson -EP:Love Sick Dick
Timber Timbre -Album:Sincerely Future Pollution
H.Grimace -Debut album:Self Architect
Group Zero -Debut Album:Structures And Light
Dopplereffekt -Album:Cellular Automata
Brenda -Debut EP:Creeper
Reduction Plan -Album:Somewhere

Buzz Kull -Album:CHROMA
APHEXIA -Album:The Gates
Edward Ka-Spel-Amanda Palmer -Album:I Can Spin A Rainbow
FEARING -Debut album:A Life of None
Magdalena’s Apathy -Album:Tendine d’Achille
Overture -Debut album:Screaming Silence
FOTOCRIME -Debut EP:Always Hell
The Eden House -Album:Songs for The Broken Ones
War Orphans -Debut EP:First Issue
Algiers -Album:The Underside Of Power
The Shyness of Strangers -Debut album:Time
In This Moment -Album:Ritual
Public Service Broadcasting-Album:Every Valley
Mauna Kea-Debut album:Mana
Wild Roses For The Exit-Album:Ghosts of Ancient Sadness
Guerre Froide-Album:Coruscant
Geneviéve Pasquier-Album:Louche Effect
OMD-Album:The Punishment of Luxury
Der Nachtportier-Debut album:1
Tarotist-Debut EP:Visions
KALEIDA-Debut album:Tear The Roots
METZ-Album:Strange Peace
Dirty Songs-Album:Dirty Songs Play Dirty Songs
Phase Fatale-Debut album:Redeemer
Living Totem-Album:Raw Effort
Diary of Dreams-Album:Hell In Eden
Band of Holy Joy-Album:Funambulist We Love You
The Frozen Autumn-Album:The Fellow Traveller
Trisomie 21-Album:Elegance Never Dies
vDevil-Album:Natural Born Villain
NONE-Debut album:Poison
Belle and Sebastian-EP:How To Solve Our Human Problems (Pt1)
Negative Space-Debut LP:Gestalt
Black Fawn-Debut album:Motion
Word Made Flesh-Album:Word Made Flesh
AUTOBAHN-Album:The Moral Crossing
Brendan Perry, Olivier Mellano-Album:No Land
Nervous Mind-Debut album: BITE

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