If there was just one phrase that would uniquely describe both a band’s music and the reason why I personally adore them, it would be Ogre’s statement in an interview in 2013:
“…there is a very military side to Industrial music, and we are far more in the psychedelic side…”
Skinny Puppy founded by Kevin Crompton a.k.a cEvin Key in 1983, is one of the very important bands in the industrial music scene, with quite unique and clearly identifiable characteristics from the bands that preceded and inspired them. Kevin Ogilvie a.k.a Nivek Ogre has joined Key from the beginning until now and the two of them remain the only constant members of the band. The band has collaborated with many musicians including Bill Leed (bass, synth, backing vocals) and Dwayne Goettel and have been joined by various session musicians on their tours.