To be honest with you this was more an initiation ritual rather than a live gig and I enjoyed it so much that now after almost a week I still can’t stop thinking about it!
I’ve always believed that the only direct way to connect with a band is to attend at least one live gig and this live gig didn’t prove me wrong.
When it comes to Wovenhand, listening to their albums in any other way than ( during a live) only tells half the story about what this band is really about. But let me take things from the beginning…
It was the first time that I went to the Bush Hall and the first time I was seeing Wovenhand live. The Bush Hall is a surviving example of Georgian architecture with great acoustics and it seemed to be an ideal place for the dynamic music of the band which has played live there four years ago. Unfortunately the tube’s delayed schedule didn’t allow me to arrive on time for Desert Mountain Tribe which played very briefly. This is a new and promising group and having listened to their debut EP ‘Desert Mountain Tribe’ it is obvious that their sound is classic heavy rock with an emphasis on electric guitar solos. I will be waiting to listen more from them in the near future.
When a setlist starts with such a dynamic and perfect song like ‘Hiss’ you can only expect that this will not be an ordinary live!
Wovenhand, respecting the announced stage time, appeared at 9.15 and played with a remarkable energy and passion for 1 hour and 45′. Bush Hall was almost at its full capacity and from the moment David Eugene Edwards started singing in an unknown and incomprehensible language coupled with capturing gestures, he gained everyone’s attention.