Songs are many headed hydras and everytime one of their ‘faces’ is cut off, another one takes its place so that another aspect of the lyrics can be revealed and stressed…
Starting at 8.30pm as it was announced, Lloyd James included 10 songs in his set list.10 hydras presented different faces compared to the recent live at Electrowerkz where Naevus as a full band, supported Kirlian Camera. This time, the set was acoustic so naturally the rhythms and the energy were lower permitting the audience to focus more on the lyrics than the performance itself. After ‘Frozen‘ and ‘Idiots(Let Me In)‘ the audience was totally absorbed by the atmosphere, almost hypnotized, but engaged in the performance. Lloyd James seemed to have intentionally removed all the passionate and dynamic elements from his singing in favour of a more detached performance. During the previous full band live at Electrowerkz, each word seemed to be dramatically significant at a pers
onal level for Lloyd James.This time the lyrics were performed with a different energy, almost as if they were narrated to us by somebody who was completely detached from their meaning.This created a different setting for their listening and I personally didn’t realise how it was that I found myself feeling as if I was at a dead end in a seemingly suffocating environment…