Posts Tagged ‘Obsidian new album 2020’
Posted: 5th December 2020 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
Tags: Accession Records album releases 2020, best albums 2020, best garage albums 2020, best metal albums 2020, best punk albums 2020, Black To Comm new album 2020, Black To Comm Oocyte Oil + Stolen Androgens, Black Verb Records releases 2020, coldwave albums 2020, coldwave music, Death Valley Girls new album 2020, Death Valley Girls Under the Spell of Joy, debut albums 2020, Diorama new album 2020, Diorama Tiny Missing Fragments, DISTRA new EP 2020, DISTRA Thousands of Army, dream pop albums, dream rock music, Enslaved new album 2020, Enslaved Utgard, experimental albums 2020, experimental music, Fabrika Records album releases 2020, garage music 2020, gothic rock albums 2020, gothic rock music, Heaven and Earth Association Material/Ethereal, Heaven and Earth Association new EP 2020, independent music 2020, Inner Ear album releases 2020, Last Rockers Records album releases 2020, Lebanon Hanover new album 2020, Lebanon Hanover Sci-Fi Sky, Maple Death Records album releases 2020, metal albums 2020, METZ Atlas Vending, METZ new album 2020, NOTHING new album 2020, NOTHING The Great Dismal, Nuclear Blast album releases 2020, Obisidian Vultures, Obsidian new album 2020, post punk albums 2020, psych rock albums 2020, psych rock music, punk albums 2020, punk music 2020, Relapse Records album releases 2020, Rocket Recordings album releases 2020, self releases album 2020, Selofan new album 2020, Selofan partners in hell, Shit &Shine new album 2020, Shit&Shine Malibu Liquor Store, Slow Danse With The Dead Devils Night, Slow Danse With The Dead new EP 2020, Strawberry Pills Murder To A Beat, Strawberry Pills new album 2020, Sub Pop album releases 2020, Suicide Squeeze album releases 2020, Tequesta Records album releases 2020, The Glass Beads debut album 2020, The Glass Beads Therapy, The Reds Pinks and Purples new album 2020, The Reds Pinks and Purples You Might Be Happy Someday, Thrill Jockey album releases 2020, Tough Love Records album releases 2020, underground music, Vice Squad Battle of Britain, Vice Squad new album 2020, Vivita and The Sufferings 7 Nails in the coffin, Vivita and The Sufferings new album 2020, Wisecrack debut album 2020
Blaue Rosen