Danielle de Picciotto– Tacoma, Dead Oceans
The Lovely Eggs– This Is Our Nowhere, Egg
VNV Nation– Resonance, Anachron Sounds
Blancmange– Nil By Mouth, Cherry Red
Qual– Sable, Avant!Records
Wim Mertens– Charaktersketch, Usura Music
Hop Along– Painted Shut, Saddle Creek
METZ– II, Sub Pop
100Blumen– Under Siege, Raccoone Records,Sleeping Cat Records
EMIKA– Drei, EMIKA Records
The Holydrug Couple– Moonlust, Sacred Bones Records
The Vaccines– English Graffiti, Columbia
No More– The Return of The German Angst, Rent A Dog
Blancmange– Nil By Mouth, Blanc Check Records