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Posts Tagged ‘industrial albums 2020’
Monthly playlist-Favourite albums September 2020
Posted: 17th November 2020 by
Music News,press releases
4GN3S album releases 2020
Alone in the Hollow Garden new album 2020
Alone in the Hollow Garden Stellar Dissolution
AmeK Collective album releases 2020
best albums 2020
best electronic music 2020
best post-punk albums 2020
blac kolor 24U Vol7
blac kolor new EP 2020
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe debut album 2020
Captured Tracks album releases 2020
Choronzon new album 2020
Choronzon Serve Them Toxins
Clan Destine Records album releases 2020
coldwave albums 2020
coldwave music
Conjecture new album 2020
Conjecture ∫V
Dais Records album releases 2020
dark ambient albums 2020
dark ambient music 2020
Death Bells new album 2020
Death Bells New Signs of Life
debut albums 2020
Dreadful Activist new album 2020
Dreadful Activist Vreselijke Hardcore
Ecstatic Recordings album releases 2020
electronic albums 2020
experimental albums 2020
experimental music 2020
False Idols album releases 2020
Fuzz Club Records album releases 2020
Glaring Limbus
Glaring new album 2020
Hekate Meres Orgis
Hekate new album 2020
independent music 2020
indie rock albums 2020
indie rock music 2020
industrial albums 2020
Isolating new album 2020
Isolating Perennial
Jadu Heart Hyper Romance 2020
Jadu Heart new album 2020
La Vida Es Un Mus album releases 2020
P.Emerson Williams new album 2020
P.Emerson Williams Room of Imagination 2020
Panicmachine album releases 2020
post punk music 2020
psych rock albums 2020
Rhelm demo 2020
self released albums 2020
Singapore Sling Godd Sick Fun with Singapore Sling
Singapore Sling new album 2020
TRICKY Fall To Pieces
TRICKY new album 2020
trip hop albums 2020
trip hop music
underground music 2020
VLF Records album releases 2020
Wax Chattels Clot
Wax Chattels new album 2020
Album: Fall to Pieces
Label: False Idols
Black Phoebe
Debut EP: Black Phoebe
Label: Ecstatic Recordings
Label: Fuzz Club Records
Jadu Heart
Album: Hyper Romance
Label: VLF Records
Death Bells
Label: Dais Records
Album: Meres Orgis
Label: La Vida Es Un Mus
Label: Captured Tracks
Self released
Demo: Rhelm
Debut album: Perennial
Label: 4GN3S
Self released
Label: Amek
Label: ClanDestine Records
Label: Panicmachine
Label: Panicmachine
Alone In the Hollow Garden
Album: Stellar Dissolution
A list of our favourite independent and underground music releases of September 2020
Blaue Rosen
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Favourite albums-Monthly playlist August 2020
Posted: 22nd October 2020 by
Music News,press releases
best albums 2020
best independent music albums 2020
Carlo Onda Darker Days
Carlo Onda new album 2020
Claustraphobia Fascination
Claustraphobia new EO 2020
Cleopatra Records album releases 2020
Cold Transmission Music album releases 2020
debut albums 2020
Divide and Dissolve new EP 2020
Divide and Dissolve TFW
dream pop albums 2020
dream pop music 2020
experimental albums 2020
experimental music 2020
Faultfinder Contagions
Faultfinder new EP 2020
Flesner Records releases 2020
garage albums 2020
gothic albums 2020
gothic music 2020
Haus Arafna Asche
Haus Arafna new album 2020
Hinayana Death of The Cosmic
Hinayana new album 2020
In Your Eyes A Million Faces
In Your Eyes debut EP 2020
Indigos debut EP 2020
industrial albums 2020
industrial music 2020
InsideOutMusic album releases 2020
Jaye Jayle new album 2020
Jaye Jayle Prisyn
KALEIDA new album 2020
Les Chasseurs de la nuit Gleam On You Empty Gem
Les Chasseurs de la nuit new album 2020
Lex Records album releases 2020
Mahorka releases 2020
metal albums 2020
metal music 2020
metal rock albums 2020
metal rock music 2020
MIDWIDE new EP 2020
Midwife Forever
Napalm Records album releases 2020
New Fries Is The Idea of Us
New Fries new album 2020
Pain of Salvation new album 2020
Pain of Salvation Panther
post punk albums 2020
post-punk music
punk albums 2020
punk music 2020
Restive Plaggona new EP 2020
Restive Plaggona Vox Nadir
rock albums 2020
rock music 2020
Rosetta Stone Cryptology
Rosetta Stone new album 2020
Saddle Creek releases 2020
Sargent House album releases 2020
Several Minor Promises releases 2020
Telephone Explosion Records album releases 2020
TESCO album releases 2020
TOKEE new album 2020
TOKEE Stages
Label: Sargent House
Label: TESCO
Restive Plaggona
Label: Several Minor Promises
Label: Mahorka
Label: Galakthorrö
Label: Saddle Creek
Label: Napalm Records
Label: Inside Out Music
Label: Cleopatra Records
New Fries
Album: Is The Idea Of Us
Label: Telephone Explosion Records
Label: Cold Transmission Music
In Your Eyes
Debut EP: A million faces
Deut EP: A million faces
Debut EP: Indigos
EP: Forever
Label: Flenser Records
Album: Odyssey
Label: Lex Records
Blaue Rosen
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Monthly playlist-Favourite albums July 2020
Posted: 2nd September 2020 by
Music News,press releases
All Saints album releases 2020
aufnahme + wiedergabe album releases 2020
best albums 2020
Blitzkrieg Baby Genocidal Sextasy
Blitzkrieg Baby new album 2020
Catastrophe Noise I Want To
Catastrophe Noise new album 2020
Claustraphobia new album 2020
Claustraphobia Shame
Cloister Recordings album releases 2020
coldwave albums
coldwave music
Cyclic Law album releases 2020
Dallas Acid new album 2020
Dallas Acid The Spiral Ambience
dark ambient albums 2020
dark ambient music
darkwave albums
darkwave music
debut albums
Echoes demo 2020
El Rancho Records releases 2020
electronic albums 2020
electronic music 2020
Epitaph releases 2020
experimental albums 2020
experimental music
Futuro de Hierro Costumes y medidas
Futuro de Hierro new EP 2020
Geometric Vision new EP 2020
Geometric Vision Slowemotion
Hammershoi debut album 2020
independent music 2020
industrial albums
industrial albums 2020
industrial music
industrial music 2020
Magia Roja releases 2020
Modern Sky UK album releases 2020
new music 2020
Phonotek new album 2020
Phonotek Styx
Plague Vendor new EP 2020
Plague Vendor Night Sweats
post punk albums 2020
Purgate Elemental
PURGATE new album 2020
rock 'n roll albums 2020
rock 'n roll music 2020
S!CK Lenitive Seizure 2020
S!CK new album 2020
Sadband Comet
Sadband new EP 2020
self released albums 2020
Slow Danse With The Dead
Slow Danse With The Dead new album 2020
SwissDarkNights album releases 2020
The Blinders Fantasies of A Stay At Home Psychopath
The Blinders new album 2020
The Roves new EP 2020
The Roves The Big Silver
Urticaria Records album releases 2020
The Blinders
Album: Fantasies Of A Stay At Home Psychopath
Label: Modern Sky UK
Plague Vendor
EP: Night Sweats
Label: Epitaph
The Roves
EP: The Big Silver
EP: El Rancho Records
Demo 2020
EP: Lenitive Seizure
Label: Urticaria Records
Album: Slow Danse With The Dead
EP: Comet
Album: Shame
Self released
Debut album: Hammershøi
Label: SwissDarkNights
Label: aufnahme + wiedergabe
Self released
Label: Cloister Recordings
Label: Magia Roja
Futuro de Hierro
EP: Costumes y Medidas
Label: All Saints
Label: Cyclic Law
Blaue Rosen
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Monthly playlist-Favourite albums May 2020
Posted: 28th June 2020 by
Music News,press releases
Ancient Neighbour Records album releases 2020
Astari Nite Here Lies
Astari Nite new album 2020
aufnahme + wiedergabe album releases 2020
Bella Union album releases 2020
best albums 2020
best electro albums 2020
best electronic albums 2020
best gothic albums 2020
best indie rock albums 2020
best industrial albums 2020
best industrial music 2020
best noise music 2020
best post-punk albums 2020
BLOM debut album 2020
BLOM Flower Violence
Box Records album releases 2020
Codex Empire new album 2020
Codex Empire Protected by rage
Darren j. Holloway Salt. HEART
Das Das new EP 2020
Das Das S/T
Detriti Records releases 2020
Distorhn Shape new album 2020
Distorshn Shape Blessing In Disguise
dream rock music 2020
Einstuerzende Neubauten Alles in Allem
Einstuerzende Neubauten new album 2020
electronic albums 2020
experimental music 2020
Fabrika Records album releases 2020
Farren j. Holloway new album 2020
Felte album releases 2020
gothic rock albums 2020
Heavenly album releases 2020
Houses of Heaven new album 2020
Houses of Heaven Silent Places
independent music 2020
industrial albums 2020
industrial music 2020
Mark Lanegan new album 2020
Mark Lanegan Straight Songs of Sorrow
Nao Katafuchi Emergence
Nao Katafuchi new album 2020
Negative Gain Productions album releases 2020
noise albums 2020
osm tapes album releases 2020
Panicmachine album releases 2020
post punk albums 2020
post punk music 2020
Potomak album releases 2020
psych rock albums 2020
psych rock music
Psychic Markers new album 2020
Rocket Recordings album releases 2020
self released albums 2020
Sex Swing new album 2020
Sex Swing Type II
She Past Away new album 2020
She Past Away X
Sombre Soniks album releases 2020
Symphony of Destruction album releases 2020
Time Attendant new album 2020
Time Attendant Stone Possessed
TONTTU Gnostrogoth
tonttu new album 2020
Tribes of Medusa new album 2020
Tribes of Medusa Venus Enslaved
TUMBAS debut album 2020
underground music 2020
VUZ Records album releases 2020
Wonder Dark 8 sides
Wonder Dark new album 2020
Einstuerzende Neubauten
Album: Alles in Allem
Label: Potomak
Label: Rocket Recordings
Self released
Time Attendant
Album: Stone Possessed
Label: Ancient Neighbour Records
Album: Psychic Markers
Label: Bella Union
Tribes of Medusa
Label: Sombre Soniks
Album: Venus Enslaved
Album: X
Album: X
Label: Fabrika Records
Label: Negative Gain Productions
Debut album
Label: Box Records
Debut album
Label: Symphony of Destruction
Label: Detriti Records
Debut album
Label: felte
Album: Émergence
Label: VUZ Records
Label: VUZ Records
Album: protected By Rage
Label: aufnahme + wiedergabe
Distorshn Shape
Label: osm tapes
Label: Panicmachine
Blaue Rosen
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