We have been seeking spiritual solace through the new music we have been listening to throughout this month. It was such a relief that, during our journey we came across the latest dreamy sonic tale by Edward Ka-Spel and Patrick Q.Wright! We might not have found anything but disquiet along the way, we might have felt nothing less than an urge to delve into deeper and darker spiritual labyrinths, but we enjoyed the trip very much. You can expect heartbreaking dark folk sonic tales, describing powerful everyday feelings and situations that would feel anybody feel powerless. At the same time, textured, IDM and industrial soundscapes fill the atmosphere with a ‘heaviness’ that is only being alleviated by the power of the synthesizer, ever so present in our favourite post-punk releases. At the end of the day you need to ask yourselves:
Are sonic ceremonies enabling or disturbing your psychic processes? What were you doing on the day the night forgot to visit?
Blaue Rosen