A dance to death by a songbird in boghz as it navigates the world in a year of no light! It is flying through urban places best left to rot together with their self-defying, self-loathing inhabitants. It only stops momentarily when it hears a heart beating fast in agony. It only takes off again when the sorrow reaches manageable levels. The sound it creates when it flaps its wings is only audible to creatures looking for sonic disquiet. Can you hear it? Can you bear it?    Â
If this playlist were a soundtrack for a ball, it would be for a dance-macabre. Borrowing aesthetic elements from black and white movies about ghosts and twisting and turning them so that they end up sounding as an injured animal that roars, this monthly playlist is not for the faint-hearted light seekers. Enjoy it!
The days might be getting longer but we will forever be fascinated by the sound of the night. Our favourite independent/underground releases of April 2021 follow a circular pattern, that infinitely expanded our consciousness in all possible dimensions. The journey begins and ends with ethereal soundscapes composed by Peter Bjärgo and Daemonia Nymphe but not before creating some ceremonial sonic spirals with post-rock, doom metal, punk, post-punk, dark ambient, IDM, always melancholic but dynamic textures. Godspeed You! Black Emperor have returned after four years with their impressive album, “G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END!” – accompanied by a political statement that made us jump from our seats in support and solidarity! The new sonic endeavour of Darren J. Holloway (SINNEN, Damselfly) with The German Ocean, has began taking some shape through the debut release of the album ‘The German Ocean‘, full with serene and disquieting soundscapes where subtle melodic alterations are toying with our emotional balance as they ‘break away’ from the sonic distortion that envelops them! Wolvennest, have offered us a ritual in a sonic form entitled ‘MMXX‘ – that has continued to make us shiver every time we listen to its ritualistic, doom, throbbing rhythms and the unapologetically affirmative vocals and lyrics!
We don’t want to tell you how this journey will end and we cannot promise that you might not lose yourselves within this sonic tunnel, but we will only say that with their new EP ‘Witches’ Lullaby‘, Daemonia Nymphe seem to have now actually passed from this world to that of Nymphs!
Have a listen here and enjoy!
You can also access our teaser/broadcast of a part of this playlist- as presented on Tak Tent Radio here:
The soundtrack of March 2021 – the month of the worm supermoon – is not for the faint hearted. Jointweird brought you Blauerosen’s monthly sonic ‘folie à deux‘ with IDM, experimental, punk, gothic, noise, and folk moments to stir up your evenings, your dreams and beyond. The broadcast on Tak Tent radio, is a teaser for this playlsit and can be found here.
Have a listen to the complete playlist and our favourite songs from these releases here
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