Posts Tagged ‘Chiara Rolando’

This is a set of photographs from the 2024 special gig of Camerata Mediolanense at Kirchenruine Wachau during the 31st WGT in Leipzig. You can also read our interview with the band here.


Blaue Rosen box


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There are not many bands out there who have embarked on a difficult journey of discovery by following their instinct and transcending the classical music form. Camerata Mediolanense is one of these few precious bands whose career we have followed for decades and who continue to make any space vibrate under the power of their rhythms and vocals. We had a unique chance to speak with Elena, Carmen, Gianfranco, and Manuel minutes after a memorable gig at Kirchenruine Wachau at the Wave Gotik Treffen this year. We would like to thank them again for giving us some of their time and for having great humour (it is so rare these days!).


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