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Monthly Playlist-November 2018

Posted: 10th December 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
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Album:The Witch
Label: Fiction Records

“…the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation “Auguste Rodin

monthly playlist logoAs this year is approaching its end, the new music releases are perceived as if they somehow close an imaginary sonic circle that started 11 months ago. The soundtrack of the previous month traces a path that begins in a space filled with techno, industrial and minimal electronic rhythms, reveals the various ‘faces’ of punk and dark pop and ends by finding the shared emotions between trip hop and 60s inspired folk rock. There are plenty of debut releases within this month’s soundtrack, two of which are the result of creative collaborations between kindred musical spirits.


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“…there is never a destination, destinations are boring!”

Chris Connelly, the man with a thousand (and more) musical faces, released his latest album entitled ‘Bloodhounds‘ through Armalyte Industries. As has always been the case with Chris Connelly’s work, the songs are much more than great music with great melodies and a beautiful performance. They give an attractive, soul/blues/rock form, to many sources of inspiration, ranging from paintings to books and landscapes. Inspiration is a malleable concept and it can mean different things to different people. It is evident, if one takes a deep look into the details of the albums (artwork, music, song titles) that Chris Logo interviewhas created that, what motivates him is a great personal and spiritual ‘calling’ that transforms even every day experiences into dreamy, poetic and disquieting melodies. Whether you love more his industrial/dark side as has been revealed through his work with Cocksure and Revolting Cocks or his more lyrical Sylvian/Bowie inspired side more evident in his solo work, you must admit that, since the 90s Chris has created an artistically rich sonic universe.There have always been visual artists who were inspired by music but rarely have we encountered musicians being inspired by visual art. To us, translating a static image and its emotional impact into sound, is one of the most challenging tasks an artist can undertake. And yet, here we are, with an album and a musician that does exactly that.

We were delighted to be given a glimpse into the artistic mind of Chris Connelly and talk with him about the new album, his future plans, his previous work, Cocksure,Ministry, Revolting Cocks and anything in between. We would like to shout out to promoters in London in particular, to arrange for us to enjoy him perform live next year.


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Release Date: 06 October 2018

1.Persona non Grata/2. If Mississipi John Hurt Knew What I’ve Done/3. Bathed In Moonlight/4. PNG-Wounded By A Gunshot (Remix by The Prowler)

Label: A Man out Of A Man

The Man and His Failures Persona non Grata cover

With such a project name and such a title one can barely decide where to start talking about this debut EP. Do you remember Mani Deum? If not, then a quick read through this review will probably refresh your memory and a listen to the band’s latest EP, will help you place them in the dark folk rock music realm. A band is nothing if not the creative ‘sum’ of its parts. The fact that one of its two vocalists a.k.a Manos K. decided to release a solo EP, helps us get a bit closer to the collective psyche of Mani Deum and to the mysterious sonic universe of Manos K. If the band is a puzzle of 1000 pieces then the fact that a fraction of one of the pieces, is doing something solo, is always a nice excuse for us to examine it closer.

A sonic trip from Athens to Mississipi

Enough about that though, we love nothing more than a musician who is artistically restless and keeps experimenting and challenging his/her artistic comfort zone and our expectations. ‘Persona non Grata‘ an EP that unapologetically uses an expression tied with the refugee problem that Greece has been struggling with the last few years, is a trip from Belgium’s coldwave scene to the birthplace of blues, America’s Mississipi. With the help of its 4 tracks we traverse these regions. The reference points of these 4 tracks are both plenty and different in nature. There are strong Pink Floyd influences in the beautiful guitar solos, there are rhythms that could have been taken straight from Trisomie 21’s ‘cookbook’, there is a performing style that could also work well in a doom metal EP (i.e. ‘Bathed In Moonlight)and there are drum machines that ascribe post punk and pop elements to the mix.

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Blaue Rosen box

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Insecure Men, Mellah, Honey Hahs live at Queen Elizabeth Hall 2018

Posted: 12th November 2018 by blaue-rosen in

September 2018-December 2018: A new season of gigs Part 2

logo gigs2018 has been (and still is) a very generous year on what concerns the gigs that have been organised in London and it seems that next year will be similar, but we will talk about this in a few weeks’ time. For the moment let’s go through the reasons that will make us enjoy the end of this year and of another season.

Upcoming GIGS

The Dresden Dolls London gig poster 2018The Dresden Dolls live at The Troxy on 30,31 October 2018: The Dresden Dolls made a huge impact on the audience (small at first, huge in the years that followed) when they released their 4 studio albums from 2003-2008. It was the sheer energy of Amanda and Brian on and off stage, the cabaret aesthetics, the ‘in-your-face’ attitude, the dare of the lyrics, the amazing lyricism on the piano and the voice, that captured our hearts from the very beginning.The band hosted design competitions for the artwork of their albums in which many fans participated without a second thought, the dedication of the fans that increased exponentially after each release was unprecedented. In other words, this was a uniquely different, beautiful underground band with a punk attitude and unparalleled musical magnetism. For some of us, The Dresden Dolls was one of the best bands that has ever existed. Many of us had not had the chance to see this band perform before they stopped collaborating for a while and before they stopped releasing new albums. Three years ago, on Record Store Day, a one-off show of The Dresden Dolls at Rough Trade in Brooklyn was announced and it made our hearts beat faster, as some of us considered travelling there to attend this performance. The band was kind and graceful enough to live stream the entire gig which we then reviewed.


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Monthly playlist-October 2018

Posted: 8th November 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
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“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.”? Anne Frank

The soundtrack of the previous month was exceptionally dark, both conceptually and in its atmosphere. The albums that we consider to be our favourite among the 68 releases that we listened to throughout the month, make a journey from melancholic neoclassical towards obscure extreme electronics. All of these releases put together, have created an incredibly hard-to-navigate, dark space, with impressive sonic textures and a subtle (and other times quite harsh) melancholy.


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Release Date: 14 September 2018

1. Quorum/2. Dancing and Blood/ 3.Fly/4.Tempest/5.Always Up/6.Always Trying To Work It Out/7.The Son, The Sun/8. Dancing And Fire/9. Poor Sucker/1o. Rome (Always In The Dark)/11.Disarray

Label: Sub Pop

Beauty will be convulsive or will not be at all‘ (André Breton)

Listening to an album by LOW is like going on a journey with a trusted guide. The band has, for 24 years, driven our souls into serene places, areas with dreamy qualities, where vocals of an ethereal nature take us into spaces painted with light colours that hinted at a darker palette but never quite revealed it. Their music has always created a feeling similar to listening to an Angelo Badalamenti piece. Well, the time has come for things to change a little bit and ‘Double Negative’ is the proof that LOW are now ‘luring’ us into a dark, misty, ‘heavy’, area that further alters our perception of both time and space.


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Release Date: 31 August 2018

1. Colossus/2. Never Fight A Man With A Perm/ 3.I’m Scum/4.Danny Nedelko/5.Love Song/6.June/7.Samaritans/8. Television/9. Great/1o. Gram Rock/11.Cry To Me/12.Rottweiler

Label: Partisan Records

An album for the angry, the socially sensitive and the progressively minded

JOY As An Act Of Resistance: Having only this title as a starting point, without the music of the album, would be enough for me to write a whole essay about how feeling joyous can be an act of resistance and why. Especially these days this is one of the most important messages to ‘broadcast’ through art. In a world where urban dysphoria and masked social disapproval is the norm, being joyous in a political way, is the equivalent of taking direct action towards an oppressive mechanism. Using joy and not denial as an act of resistance, is a choice that will either obstruct things in a positive direction (whatever that might be) or spread hypocrisy to enormous proportions.


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Monthly Playlist-September 2018

Posted: 9th October 2018 by blaue-rosen in Music News,press releases
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Alice could not help her lips curling up into a smile as she began: “Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one alive before!”
“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you. Is that a bargain?
(extract: ‘Alice In Wonderland’ Lewis Carroll)


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