Posts Tagged ‘Queen’s Film Theatre Belfast’

Logo interview I would rather be a witch“- Nick Carlisle

We were delighted to carry out an interview with the talented Nick Carlisle two years after our previous interview with Katy and Nick. This time, Nick is talking about his new score to celebrate the centenary of the unique movie Haxan. The film, originally created in 1922, tries to make sense of witch trials and witchcraft in general. A second version of it, with different music and with voice over from William Burroughs, was produced in 1968. In 2022, the film was presented live at Queen’s Film Theatre in Belfast as part of the BFI’s ‘In Dreams Are Monsters’ season of horror films, with new score composed by Nick Carlisle.

Naturally we wanted to know all about the process of composing music for this hybrid genre of movie but there was also talk about ghosts and monsters. You can watch the interview below and you can buy the album here.

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