Posts Tagged ‘Pink Narcissus Tuxedomoon 2014’

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Crammed Discs, April 2014

The only rule was the tacit understanding that anything that sounded like anyone else was taboo” (Steven Brown, extract from an interview)

Tuxedomoon_Pink NarcissusPink Narcissus is a soundtrack album for the 1971 homonymous movie. The album which was released by Crammed Discs, is in jazz rhythms and provides a fresh narrative for the movie which was released without the consent of its director. After a persistent effort by the american author Bruce Benderson, the movie was proved to be the work of James Bidgood and not of Andy Warhol as was originally assumed. Despite the movie’s dark and mysterious past, Tuxedomoon’s album has no narcissism as opposed to the movie’s main character.

The basis of this soundtrack

The movie ‘Pink Narcissus’ is a homoerotic one revealing an obsession with the male nude body and an over projection of a rather unnatural connection of this body to nature. The original soundtrack of the film is of minor importance as it is a mix of classical music, film noir music and sounds influenced by eastern music as well as by traditional greek music from Epirus (e.g. clarinets create an atmosphere of undefined, vain and almost annoying experimentation).


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