Posts Tagged ‘The Fierce And The Dead new album 2018’


Deconstruction seeks neither to reframe art with some perfect, apt and truthful new frame, nor simply to maintain the illusion of some pure and simple absence of a frame. Rather it shows that the frame is, in a sense, also inside the painting. For the frame is what “produces” the object of art, is what sets it off as an object of art—an aesthetic object…James N.Powell

May 2018, was a month that glorified music experimentation in the most obvious way. Our initial impression that ‘traditional’ music genres are being gradually and creatively deconstructed or reconstructed by the bands these days, was confirmed by the releases of this month.


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It’s heavier and more psychedelic, bit more spacey, more synths, more downtuned guitars. Some of the riffs are a bit more straightforward and it’s got one tune on it that is the most complex rhythmically that we’ve done…(Matt Stevens)

I first became aware of The Fierce And The Dead when I saw them perform live, opening for Evil Blizzard last year.That performance placed the first piece in an invisible ‘puzzle’ which I then started to complete by going back and listening to their very first album entitled ‘If It Carries On Like That I am Moving to Morecambe‘ (what a title!).


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