
A Place for inspiring music

Album Review: And Also The Trees - Mother-Of-Pearl Moon

There is the world, and then there is the world seen through the sonic poems of And Also The Trees. The latter is the world that I prefer.Read more...

Album Review: Nick Carlisle-Bloody Saturnalia

We have been trying to think of another album we have come across that had so much light amidst so much darkness…nothing comes to mind and, with every new listening session, we are getting more and more reassured about this. But let’s take things from the beginning.Read more...

Hotel Lux - Hands Across the Creek

...…or else an ode to a disenfranchised leftist youth.First things first – it has been a while since a band has put messages across in such powerful ways. Indeed, it has been about five years since the release of such a powerful album by a different band aimed at an audience with similar political beliefs but a very different idiosyncrasy.Read more...

Dernière Volonté - CRISTAL

Sometimes, when a loved band comes back after some time, it can feel like a tap on the back or a playful wink. 'CRISTAL' feels like the latter.Read more...


'CRAWLER' comes from the end of the 70s yet winks at the brilliant indie rock/dream pop period of the 90s, all the while innocently whistling South American blues’ rhythms.Read more...


'This is an album that you must handle with care from the second you unseal it. This is an LP that you must take care of, possibly more than very few others in your collection. This is a sonic howl from the depths of Hell that overwhelms all conscious sentiment of those who never perceived sin this way before. It is a procession for the expulsion of pain and for this reason it is sacred.Read more...

Astari Nite-Here Lies

'Here Lies', the new album by inspirational band Astari Nite, comes to soothe an intense pain so that it does not turn into self-hatred and bitterness. Read more...

New Model Army-From Here

New Model Army have had something of grave importance to share with us about the state of things around us and their own attitude towards them; and they did so in the best way they could possibly do it, with a new powerful album entitled 'From Here'....Read more

Howard Rickard and The Pale Riders debut album 2019

You will need your favourite strong drink in order to enjoy reading through the story that has lead to 'Songs of Love and Murder', the upcoming album by Howard Rickard and The Pale Riders... Read more

The Man And His Failures-Persona non Grata

We love nothing more than a musician who is artistically restless and keeps experimenting and challenging his/her artistic comfort zone and our expectations...Read more

LOW-Double Negative

Listening to an album by LOW is like going on a journey with a trusted guide.The band has, for 24 years, driven our souls into serene places, areas with dreamy qualities...Read more

IDLES-JOY As An Act Of Resistance

JOY As An Act Of Resistance: Having only this title as a starting point, without the music of the album, would be enough for me to write a whole essay about how feeling joyous can be an act of resistance and why.Read more

The Fierce And The Dead-The Euphoric

I first became aware of The Fierce And The Dead when I saw them perform live, opening for Evil Blizzard last year. That performance placed the first piece in an invisible 'puzzle' which I then started to complete by going back...Read more

Anna von Hauswolff-Dead Magic

Before putting on this record, choose a relatively calm place, at dusk or late at night and your favourite drink, in preparation for a certain ritual in an attitude that evokes an open shape and not, as Genet was saying, "…a physical attitude that summons a, closed, submissive intellectual attitude…discourages spiritual attempt…"(extract: 'Fragments of The Artwork').Read more


Not many musicians can support their music visually and through their stage appearance so that they can ultimately offer a complete work of art and not just a presentation of songs.Read more

Word Made Flesh-Album review/Interview

There is something fascinating about a ritualistic atmosphere and I think that people who do not engage in rituals, experience it differently and dare I say, perhaps more intensely.Read more

The Frozen Autumn-The Fellow Traveller

An album that could have been the soundtrack of the homonymous 1954 thriller by Mick Eaton… or not...It's great to listen to new albums by new artists but it is equally great to listen to new albums by favourite musicians, it's like 'meeting' an old friend. Read more

Skunk Anansie-Anarchytecture

4 years after 'Black Traffic', Skunk Anansie came back roaring, at the beginning of 2016. The announcement of their 6th studio album was one of the reasons we were mentally 'pushing' 2015 away...Read more

Hypnopazūzu- Create Christ, A Sailor Boy

There are very few people who can grasp, feel and communicate such subtle and strong emotions and there are even less artists that have embraced the occult, the 'weird' with such gentleness, tenderness even and deep understanding, that they are able to communicate axiomatic aspects of darkness in all their glory..."Read more

Tindersticks-The Waiting Room

'Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot others transform a yellow spot into the sun…' Pablo Picasso..."Read more

Sauropod-Roaring At The Storm

While we were anxious for 2016 to reveal itself, nobody was ready for the news that would shake the music world so much that life seemed to stand still for a few days...Read more

Mueran Humanos-Miseress

Industrial music is a genre that interests me very much ever since Throbbing Gristle made audiences 'see' the musicality of found industrial objects, machinery and other equipment that was beginning to lose its usefulness as soon as the de-industrialization of Europe began.To me, industrial music opened the floodgates of creativity just as punk represented the D.I.Y attitude towards art and life in general...Read more

Dråpe- Relax/Relapse

We first came across the music of Dråpe in 2013 when this band from Oslo released their first album called 'Canicular Days'...Read more

Diary of Dreams- Grau Im Licht

We first came across the music of Dråpe in 2013 when this band from Oslo released their first album called 'Canicular Days'...Read more

Band of Holy Joy- Land Of Holy Joy

'A Night Of Word And Blood Sparked Under Fire And Stars A Petrol Smear The Concrete Tear Fuck Yeah Brutalism Still Dreaming In The Land Of Holy Joy' ( or 'The Land Of Holy Joy'for short),is the title of the new brainchild of Band Of Holy Joy following 'the release of 'Easy Listening' in 2014 and the mini album 'The North Is Another Land' before that...Read more

Red Sun Revival-Identities

Gothic rock music for some, might have been considered as a 'dead and buried' genre with everything that it had to offer to have been already delivered to the audiences by Fields of The Nephilim and Sisters of Mercy...Read more

Chelsea Wolfe-Abyss

As 'almost disappointing' as 2014 was in terms of album releases, so mindblowing 2015 is turning out to be. 'Abyss' is the second album in a few months that has such a powerful effect on me. I had to actually take a break of a few days between consecutive listenings of this album in order to try and neutralize its effect on me and escape from its addicting nature…Read more

Hop Along- Painted Shut

'Painted Shut' the third studio album by Hop Along a.k.a Frances Quinlan (vocals), Mark Quinlan (drums), Tyler Long (bass) and Joe Reinhart ( guitar) is the first album of the band that is released by Saddle Creek Records…Read more

Calexico-Edge of The Sun

"The 'edge of the sun' could be coming from the direction of darkness seeking light, or riding the line between both…All in all, this album is about pushing through the blue to brighter days. Calexico has always had that element of hope, going back and forth between a positive outlook and embracing desperate or dark themes that I think we all share." (Joey Burns)…Read more


Colin Newman, Graham Lewis, Matthew Simms and Robert Grey a.k.a Wire is a band with a long and rich history in music going back to 1977 when the first studio album 'Pink Flag' was released with the memorable pink flag on the sleeve…Read more

Soft Moon-Deeper

It's not often that I compare my experience in listening to an album with that of seeing an exhibition of painting…Read more

Mani Deum-When Beauty Ends

'When Beauty Ends' is an album which aims at our hearts and 'hits' with emotionally charged music, with a performance that has a disarming candour and with lyrics that could be perceived as words like blades…Read more

Deine Lakaien-Crystal Palace

An album which can be perceived as being the 'mould' that was used for the creation of all the previous albums…Read more

Her Name Is Calla-Navigator

As is the case with all the music bands, we need our time with Her Name Is Calla in order to get to know them…Read more

Tuxedomoon-Pink Narcissus

“The only rule was the tacit understanding that anything that sounded like anyone else was taboo” (Steven Brown, extract from an interview).Pink Narcissus is a soundtrack album for the 1971 homonymous movie…Read more


Tokee's latest brainchild is called 'Bouquiniste' and is quite different from all of his previous albums. Traces from his classical music training and his involvement with the films' industry (Tokee worked on actors' recordings for the movie 'Munich' by Steven Spielberg) can be identified in all of his previous albums…Read more

HOLOGRAM_ - Geometrical Keys

If you ever envisaged taking a walk inside an animated version of any of M.C. Escher's worlds, then 'Geometrical Keys' would be an ideal musical accompaniment. This is the dark, mystifying, atmospheric, spiritual, inspiring debut album by Hologram_ aka Martin Delisle…Read more

Raison D'Etre- Mise En Abyme

It's been five years since the release of 'The Stains of Embodied Sacrifice' where Peter Anderson a.k.a Raison d'Ệtre created fairly abstract and not so passionate dark soundscapes as he used to do in the past…Read more